JT Film Review


Upcoming Movies – Oct. ’09 Part II

One list isn’t enough for the trailers coming out! So, continuing on from UPCOMING MOVIES – Oct. ’09, here are some more trailers coming your way from JT Film Review! Just to clarify, this is not a list of My Eagerly Anticipated movies or anything, just an observation of what we see coming to us in the future. Though some of them of course I will look forward to seeing. In no particular order, here is the Upcoming Movies Article, October ‘09 Part II.


toy-story-3-teaser-poster—– Toy Story 3 —–

Definitely the most anticipated movies on this list, or indeed, of the last few years. The further adventures of Woody and Buzz are guarunteed to generate a bit of buzz, and I think we can all see a huge box office return for Pixar. But will the guality continue, especially with 11 years lapsed since Toy Story 2? Pixar’s latest, Up, wasn’t one of my favorites, but with characters like these, I can’t wait.

Release Date: June 18, 2010 —– TRAILER —–

boondocks—– Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day —–

I haven’t seen the original Boondocks Saints, but it has quite a reputation as a cult classic. Now this is another sequel which has waited a while to be made, 10 years in this case. The director is the same as the original, which is usually a good sign. I’ll have to get around to watching the original, and then see this as well. Here’s hoping…

Release Date: October 30, 2009 —– TRAILER —–

StanHelsingPoster—– Stan Helsing —–

Oh goody… Another movie along the lines of Epic Movie and Meet the Spartans, from “One of the guys who brought you Scary Movie.” I can’t wait… If you can’t sense my sarcasm there you’re probably the exact type of person who this type of movie is aimed at.

Release Date: October 27, 2009 —– TRAILER —–

endgame_poster—– Endgame —–

Political thrillers are fairly hard to come by nowadays, and a good one is even harder to find. I have always liked Chiwetel Ejiofor, from his appearences in Children of Men and Serenity. William Hurt of course has a good rep, but the director did last years Vantage Point. It wasn’t well recieved, but had an interesting premise. Lets hope with a more down to earth story he’ll come out better.

Release Date (US Theatrical): October 30, 2009 —– TRAILER —–

ThatEveningSunPoster—– That Evening Sun —–

An interesting-looking movie which has recieved much critical praise (wherever it has been shown). Hal Holbrook stars as a grumpy old man (similarities seem to arise between this and Clint Eastwood’s Gran Torino) but the tone, location, and plot seem to diverge significantly.

Release Date: November 26, 2009 —– TRAILER —–

the_imaginarium_of_doctor_parnassus_-poster—– The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus —–

Heath Ledger’s final role? Heck yeah I’ll see it. Sure it also has Christopher Plummer,Jude Law, Colin Farrel, and Johnny Depp; all of them talented actors, directed by wacko (or genius, depending) Terry Gilliam.

Release Date (N. America): December 25, 2009 —– TRAILER —–

motherhood-poster—– Motherhood —–

Uma Thurman is a talented actress who unfortunatly hasn’t got the best movies recently. Motherhood is a indie “com” without any visible “rom”. The love interest seems to be subdued, the movie instead focuses on the troubles faced by a mother. It doesn’t seem like it will get a huge distribution, but I hope to catch it somewhere.

Release Date (N. America): Apparently October 2009 —– TRAILER —–

amelia-poster—– Amelia —–

Amelia Earhart is one of the great feminist icons, heck, she’s viewed as one of the most inspiring figures in recent history. As such she seems an obvious target for a biopic, and it is strange that a notable one has not been released. Well, here we have it, but I must admit I feel a bit undwerwhelmed. Despite the star power and talent of Ewan McGregor (unfairly underrated) and Hillary Swank, we seem to have a fairly routine movie. Then again maybe it’s just the trailer. Either way, I’ll be there to see it opening night.

Release Date: October 23, 2009 —– TRAILER —–


What do you think? Interested in any of these? Any other upcoming movies you really want to see? Leave a comment!


October 19, 2009 - Posted by | Upcoming Movies |


  1. Imaginarium – Gilliam is a genius, watch Brazil!

    Amelia – Meh

    Toy Story 3 – Ya Damn Straight

    Comment by Joel D. | October 20, 2009 | Reply

    • Definitely can’t wait to get my hands on Imaginarium. And yeah, like I said in the little blurb, Amelia looks pretty “meh”.
      I’m not even gonna say anything about Stan Helsing…

      Comment by jamesturpin | October 22, 2009 | Reply

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